The True Meaning of Love and Freedom
In our lives, there are some things we all need. Some are obvious; like food, water, and shelter. There are more human things such as social interaction and self-esteem, and then there are the more abstract concepts. Chiefly amongst these are the needs for love and freedom. In this blog, we will examine what love and freedom truly mean, and why they are so important for us as humans to be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.
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What is Love?
Now there’s a question. The concept of love is one that has captivated humanity since the world began. Many scholars and philosophers over the years have attempted to narrow down what love means. Love is such a complex feeling that everyone experiences differently. Subsequently, mankind has yet to agree on how best to describe the feeling you get in your chest when you look at a loved one or thing.
There are many different types of love, which include (but are not limited to):
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ROMANTIC – The love you feel for a wife, husband, or partner
PLATONIC – The love you feel towards your friends or close ones that is not romantic in nature
FAMILIAL – The love you feel for your family or guardians/other important figures
SELF-LOVE – The love you feel towards yourself. This is deeply tied to your self-esteem and is just as valuable as other kinds of love
Let’s focus on that last one for a second. Many people tend to overlook self-love and, as a result, feel inadequate or as if they have less value. In fact, self-love is key to a good state of wellbeing. Additionally, we should all make sure to put some time aside to love ourselves and have some ‘me-time’. This can take the form of doing an activity you enjoy, creating something or just lying back and having a nice deep soak in the bath.
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In summary, the main feature of love is that we all have a unique way of processing and feeling it. Don’t get too caught up in trying to make sure you’re doing it ‘right’ or like everyone else. What is love? – well, love is whatever you want it to be. Whether it’s a hug from your mum or dad, or a night out with your mates. It could be a quiet moment to yourself, but always remember; opportunities for love are all around you. Everyone deserves to love and be loved.
What is Freedom?
Now, let’s talk about freedom. Freedom is like love in that there are many forms that it can take. However, the definition of freedom is a bit more set-in stone. Put simply, freedom is the state or mindset of being free. Free to create, free to dream, free to exist in exactly the way that you choose.
Some forms of freedom are enshrined in the constitution of our nations and protect our rights as humans to speak. It allows us to express ourselves and assemble with who we wish. These freedoms are the cornerstones of democracy and are closely linked with the philosophy of human rights.
However, freedom is not as black and white as what you can do versus what you can’t. The key to freedom is being able to present yourself and act in whatever way you choose to, and this can include:
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DRESS: Having your own style and way of dressing can be a great showcase of your personality and goes a long way to improving and maintaining your self-esteem
TRAVEL: The freedom to go out to wherever you like, and experience new things is a vital part of maintaining a good social life and can open you up to new groups and passions
FINANCIAL: Financial freedom involves having your own supply of money that you can spend at your leisure. Everyone deserves to have this freedom, without exceptions
To conclude, in addition to love everyone deserves to be free. If you’re in a relationship and you feel that your partner is limiting your freedoms, you should consider speaking to someone and seeking help. At Freo Wellbeing, we can of course help you with this process. We have fantastic Couples Therapists, which you can find on the Team page. If you’d like some advice on how to spot a toxic relationship, you can find it here: (TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS)
How do I find love and freedom?
The name “Freo” was chosen by us because we believe in love and freedom. “Freo” literally means, in old English, “to be Free, at liberty”.
The important thing to remember is that love and freedom are essential for all of us, and they should not be hard to find. For love, we can usually fall back on our friends and families to provide us with their love and to give them our love in return. If you don’t currently have a strong bond to family or friends, why not try joining a new club or group? For support with your journey towards loving yourself more, you can also arrange a free 15 minute consultation to speak to our therapists and find out how we can help you best, whether that is simple talk therapy, CBT, or even one of our activities.
As for freedom, it is as simple as taking the first step and making a choice about what you want to do. Fancy dying your hair pink? Booking your first skydiving jump? Or even splurging on something special? Do it!
You are worth it.
Image sourced from Unsplash
Written by Gayleen Hodson